A few months ago, my mom told me (or tagged me in something she posted on Facebook, which, let's face it, is pretty much the same thing anymore) about using a cinnamon and honey mixture to help cure a cold. I then saw it about a bazillion times on Pinterest. So when I felt a scratchy throat coming on, I thought, Let's try it. It can't hurt.
Why might it work? Honey has antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties that neutralize harmful agents in the body. Cinnamon has anti-fungal properties and can inhibit the growth of bacteria. So it makes sense that these two mixed together could help knock out a cold. (Side note: I've also used honey mixed with nutmeg as a facial mask to knock out acne - it reduces swelling and redness like you would not believe and troublesome, painful zits are knocked out within 24 hours. No lie.)
Here's what you do: mix a teaspoon of honey (most sources recommend local honey, but I just used regular store-bought honey) with a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. That's it. Take one teaspoon 3 times per day for at least 3 days. The first day, I mixed up a quadruple batch so I'd have enough for one day, plus a little extra. I've seen other people who mix up a cup or so at a time and then have it on hand for whenever a cold arises. Mix it up in whatever size batch you want, just make sure to keep your quantities of cinnamon and honey in proper ratios.
I dutifully took my teaspoon of cinnamon honey 3 times a day. What I noticed right away is that it's a great throat soother - the honey is smooth and coats really well, and the cinnamon provides a little heat. So I actually took a few extra doses throughout the day to help soothe my scratchy throat.
Important question: What does it taste like? It's not bad at all. Kind of like cinnamon sugar on steroids because there's a bit more cinnamon than you'd normally consume in cinnamon sugar. Much better tasting than NyQuil, that's for sure.
Results: I'm impressed. On the first day of my cold (when I started the treatment), I noticed that I would feel a bit better soon after taking the cinnamon honey. On the second day of my cold, I didn't necessarily feel better, but I could tell that my cold was going to be a minor one and I appreciated the throat-soothing properties of the cinnamon honey. I'm on day 3 of my cold right now. I feel like this could be the last day of my cold. The sore throat is a lot better and the drippy nose is almost done dripping. Heck, I'm even planning on going running tonight. I can't complain about a 3 day cold, nor can I complain about an all natural treatment that gets me back to normal faster.
I'll try it next time the need arises. Thanks!