Monday, December 19, 2016



I took a break from blogging/writing/creating.

It wasn't intentional, it was just life.  In the intervening years since my last blog post, I've been through a lot of life changes.  My babies are all in school now and chafe under the label of "babies." I work in a job (outside of the home) that I love. I turned 40. I've found myself squarely in the sandwich generation.  I don't necessarily have the time to find my thoughts AND put them to paper (so to speak).  But I'm working on it.  I'm trying.  I have had a few people in my life encourage me (implicitly or explicitly) to start writing again.

So.  Here I am.

The intervening years have changed me.  I'm not sure if this blog will be the same for you the reader as it was 3+ years ago.  But my writing remains the same - truthful and slightly humorous, observational, and resting at the intersection of the victories and disasters I encounter on a daily basis.

I hope you are well, reader.  Let's catch up soon.